Monday, June 05, 2006

My life feels like this picture...bits and pieces of curtains and wall paper, lost, somewhow on a wall with light strugling to pass inside and not quite making it...please, light, break through, ok? Break through. -mat B Posted by Picasa

Toy's can be killed...a theme explored in a screenplay I have been working on... Posted by Picasa

I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane. I am sane.  Posted by Picasa

Long time no talk. Here's a totally extreme and weird pic I did of moi...enjoy. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

For I determine to know nothing but FBI...and to get excited about this screenplayt I am writing, and to finish the darn thing. Posted by Picasa