Kermit the FAKE appeared last night on America's Got Talent alongside a PERFECT Miss Piggy appearance. Not sure what happened to Steven W but I'm worried...Hope he's well, and that this guy isn't somehow taking over. Gotta be said, if that happens then Disney's making a HUGE mistake. Fan revolts and chicken takeovers wil be happening left right AND centre!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Previous Posts
- Kermit the FAKE appeared last night on America's G...
- Could it be that some people actually enjoy that s...
- So Christmas is over and today...what, we Box ever...
- Hi. I am me. You are you. That is all. - Mat B
- Been working on a website, here's a few designs......
- Yeah...we are tramps and bums...eating off the str...
- Bex, Lucy, and Dan!
- On Friday we met Dan and Lucy...there they are!!!
- *lilting voice* All you have to do, is dreeeeaaaam...