This was me...oooh...back when I was young and fit and climbed treees and wore dorky blue glasses, yup, see them? or am I imagineing things? Anyway, I saw this pic and realised that it is rather like me. I feel like I am climbing and climbing without getting anywhere at the moment, but, wait, I remember that in that tree in that pose the floor was just inches from my feet. So, my conclusion, I need to let go of things more. That is all. - Mat B

I really love your blog, Beauregard. I'm thinking of starting my own blog back up, but I'm not sure yet.
as a general random user - your blog is cool. you are an interesting fella...loving it
Thanks Renee. Yes, you SHOULD get a blog! They are fun. Also get hello and Picasa from Google to post it, that's quick, easy, and delightful.
Thanks Emily. Nice to know people read it. Glad you commented on this post in particular, it's a fav of mine.
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