You know how I said that Ros from Friends should play Father Moppet? Well, it was true, and here he is shaping up for the part. *innocent* - Red Shirt (ish), Moustache, over-gelled hair, thick eyebrows, what more can we ask for in an actor to play Father? (innocent again* - Oh, did I ever explain MopFam? Maybe that's becuase it isn't explainable...Basicly, The Moppet Family is the largest (in my eyes) cartoon television show that has never been produced. Complete with fan-fiction, action-figure artwork, dvd interveiws with actors who don't exist, etcetera. The show is a concept in which the characters push the boundaries between what is on the screen and what is real life, and is, basicly, a lot of fun. Tune in next week (or the week after or something) for more details on the exact playablity and storylines of the show - Mat Beau Regard

Rully like the altered picture of...whoever he is, to be Father. That's really awesome!
Yeah, his name is David *something* and he acts in Friends.
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