5 am. TIme to get up. 6 am. Time to get the the Sunrise Service. (This is Easter morning, btw) - 40 minutes, that's how many minutes early we were/how many minutes more I could have slept. - Why do I have keys in this pic? I have no idea? maybe because Jesus stole the keys of sin and hell. - Anyway, to contiue, after the sunrise service we went for breakfast at a friends house and i went hyper, then we went to our regular church and there was a super cool black american speaking (and I want him as our next minister!) - He came back for lunch which was ready at 3 pm, at 4 pm we went back to the church to prepare for the evening serivice and got back at 10 pm...this morning I woke up at 6:20 an hour early for work....joy...

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