V For Vendetta. There's something in this movie that captures and mesmerizes...but what? It's not the British accents, that's for sure. Or the very "British" nature that is really clequed American steriotype British. But then there is V...And V is...V. He's so....just so....V!!! - Well, there may be a deeper meaning to this post. - Mat V Regard
Thursday, March 30, 2006
V For Vendetta. There's something in this movie that captures and mesmerizes...but what? It's not the British accents, that's for sure. Or the very "British" nature that is really clequed American steriotype British. But then there is V...And V is...V. He's so....just so....V!!! - Well, there may be a deeper meaning to this post. - Mat V Regard
pfft don't be silly. If you post about V - there is no deeper meaning.
(as a side note...I don't know what/who V is)
It's a movie based on a novel based on a comic book about a masked terrorist good guy named V who is just soooo classy.
There's my explaination.
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