Thursday, March 30, 2006

V For Vendetta. There's something in this movie that captures and mesmerizes...but what? It's not the British accents, that's for sure. Or the very "British" nature that is really clequed American steriotype British. But then there is V...And V is...V. He's so....just so....V!!! - Well, there may be a deeper meaning to this post. - Mat V Regard Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Tomorrow I go to the National Film and Television School open - Problem is, I gotta get up at...5 am? to elave the house at 6... Ouvh, ouch, ouch. - About my last post, the reason i was feeling miz is rather complicated, so...just forget I mentioned it. - And this picture (for lack of a "Screenwrierish" picture is...well....a dog made from Blu-Tac... Posted by Picasa

Me. Right now. Upset, sad, lost, and hurt. Confused. And just...well...J/K the Joke Killer (pictured here) her expression says it all I think... - MBR Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A war is coming. A war that the world has never known. - X-men? Maybe... - Our church, definatly. - Why? Why is this??? There's a whole long story behind it, but...well...a friend who is helping with sister's weding rang up today and she says that others in the church are asking, "How can you help THAT family?", and "What side are you on?" - A war is coming...Truth vs. Lies, God vs. Man. - I'm scared. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Busy, busy day for me today. (That's Bear from by the way) I gotta print some stuff, do an english test, practice a Puppet thing for later, meet Ben for lunch at the church, spend the afternoon there praying with Ben abd Bex, maybe wonder down the beach later, then off to the boy's club to help with some Kid's Klub thing which will be delightfull, then annoying, then crazy as usual no doubt. - Anyway, if by tonight I do not have this, "I am AWAke HONest!" look on my face, I will be most surprised. - See you by nightfall, Mat B Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 27, 2006

EDIT: On my last post, I forgot to shout out to Fred Blogs who commented on my comment on British Summertime. Hi! - (And a note about my recent post which was commented on by Renee: That guy dressed as Father is Ross from Friends who's actor name I forget but it begins with a D. It's not Daniel.) Posted by Picasa

X-Men RULE and rock (Or do Fraggle Rock? Note to Disney: That has to be the tagline for the new movies, "Fraggles Rock." Alright, that's the end of that debate. Case closed. *bangs gavel) - Oh, this guy is Angel from X-men, and there is no reason for him to be there today, since the post I planned was a shout out to me "fans" - Hi to Tabi who said she goes here about twice a day (mainly when I throw links at her until she does), Vibs who tried to post a comment and couldn't, Renee who comes here when I go to her blog, Abi who I only just gave a link to and who glanced at the page and said it was great without reading it (Just kiddin' ya), to Toga (Lisa) who I gagged with masking tape till she came to see Ross as Father Moppet, and to someone known as Emily who posted a comment and who I do not know at all, but who seems almost as cool as me (Well, that isn't possible, so...) - That is all! - Mat B Posted by Picasa

You know how I said that Ros from Friends should play Father Moppet? Well, it was true, and here he is shaping up for the part. *innocent* - Red Shirt (ish), Moustache, over-gelled hair, thick eyebrows, what more can we ask for in an actor to play Father? (innocent again* - Oh, did I ever explain MopFam? Maybe that's becuase it isn't explainable...Basicly, The Moppet Family is the largest (in my eyes) cartoon television show that has never been produced. Complete with fan-fiction, action-figure artwork, dvd interveiws with actors who don't exist, etcetera. The show is a concept in which the characters push the boundaries between what is on the screen and what is real life, and is, basicly, a lot of fun. Tune in next week (or the week after or something) for more details on the exact playablity and storylines of the show - Mat Beau Regard Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Here is my sister back when she was young and cute *innocent* and who is getting married in just a few monthes! - And we started sending out invites just recently, already have almost 100 people who have accepted! Aaarg! How frightening! Providing food will be a killer! - Yet FUN!!!! - Mat B Posted by Picasa

IT'S BRITISH SUMMERTIME! - Dang it. Yes, I know, how miserable of me to be complaining, but who exactly invented the changing of the clocks? Can someone tell them how rude that invention was? - Well, see, I was serving drinks and washing up at a party (work...) till midnights, skipped an hour, and it was 1, and...*sigh* I didn't get to bed till half two...then up for church this morning, and really...I just want my sleep! - M.B. Regard Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Rosa, Rosa, wherefore art thou Rosa? - This Fem Fatele (How is that spelt? It sure sounds good when used in conversation, but is it spelt Phoenetically? For that matter, why is "Phoenic" not?) - Sorry, this Fem Fatele is concept art for a character from the Mopet Family who will one day be added to a gallery of, "The Women in Moppet's Life." Naturally, she is trying to kill him. Speaking of woman in Mop's life, Mother is featured heavily in the story that I am collab. writing with..well...someone...for the planned MopFamReLaunch, poor old Father, Mother seems to be in a definate pirate mood much of the time...poor chap... - And poor chap me too! For I shall be working till LATE! - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Ooooooooh, the ultimative delicious looking piece pastry? general delicious looking slice that makes ones mouth water, and ones heart race? - Never mind, this is all just a prelude. What I was intending to say was that I heard from Screenplay Uni and it is almost certain that I will be getting in! Yey! Time for dancccccccing and cake eating. - Also, I spoke to CB again and this MopFam project will be a killer. - Well, I think moi should go get on! Talk sooon! - Mat B. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

MopFam. It's a thread, in a forum, one a website. It is also something that belongs deep in my heart. It means more to me than any other creation of mine. One day I will give an explaination of what it is here...(link for you: ) - Today I took on the job of copying the entire thread into a Word Document...that took me over an hour, gave me cramp in my little finger, and is 1221 pages long....I am so proud of me! - This is all in preperation of something big coming to a Forum near you! - Mat B. (P.S. For those who are unsure what MopFam is...check out this: -or- wait and see and I will explain very soooooon in a following post.) Posted by Picasa

I was sitting up late last night, with a piece of paper decideing that I need to get my life in order. There are so many distractions and so my writing, my school, and important work is not being done. I'm still unsure exactly what I am going to do about it as yet, but to begin I shall write myself specific daily goals before I sleep at night for the next day, I'll set time to excersice because this refreashes the mind, I'm gunna get my delightfull bedroom tidied and rearranged and maybe try and do something about the ghastly walls...But anyway, I'm taking some time to step back and look at my life (ala Miss Piggy with my portrate) and see where I get. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Well, sure I managed to read a whole novel this week, but it HAS been a while since I WROTE anything of significance. I have a Muppet FanFic in the works (And hear encouranging things as to the future of Muppet FanFics), two Moppet stories, about a dozen novels includeing one that JUST needs editing but is over 400 years old...*mutter*...and then I have three screenplays, two screen adaptions, and a short story, and just today I got such a fabulous and scarey idea for a screenplay that reveals (Da'Vinchi style) the distressing results of Bible Manipulation in later days....well, I am off to watch something. I'll check in sooner or later, or later or sooner. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

I saw this pic and realised I wanted it for my blog. I do not know why. I wish I did. I think Tabi took it, she sent it too me. But it's...strange. It is a picture of how I feel right now. (Aside: I do wonder who would want to read a blog of my feelings, which is what this has turned out to be, "I feel like Father." "I feel like a Muppet." "A feel like stones with green moss on them, help!" That is all.) - Really though, it's maybe the mess, or the light, of the unevenness, or the green-ness or...what is it? Why do I feel like I connect with this picture? Can someone explain it? - Mat B Posted by Picasa

GREAT NEWS!!!! Beauregard has passed his Driving Theory Test! So he is ONE step CLOSER to DRIVING!!! Whooooooo!!!! - Oh, and by the way, this image is slightly disturbing because this guy looks exactly like my driving instructior, but here Jason Stratham has a nice big gun... Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"Don't look down." - That's what my driving instructor said when he realised that when I should be pulling out into traffic, I was always looking at the gearstick, or my feet, or the rev-counter, or the speedometer, or anywhere except the traffic. - Naturally, I thought of the Mupepts when he said that was was totally distracted from that point with thoughts of the Muppets being pupepts not actually people, and Mupepts lead to Moppets and there is a Moppet Project I am working on, and....*etc* - Well, I survied. And did I mention that my driving instructor looks almost exactly like Jason Strathum? - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This was me...oooh...back when I was young and fit and climbed treees and wore dorky blue glasses, yup, see them? or am I imagineing things? Anyway, I saw this pic and realised that it is rather like me. I feel like I am climbing and climbing without getting anywhere at the moment, but, wait, I remember that in that tree in that pose the floor was just inches from my feet. So, my conclusion, I need to let go of things more. That is all. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Hey there, guess who checked in yesterday! Mother of the MopFam, aka, Christy. I got to chat to her about MopFam a little bit and we have got a ground-shaking-earth-shatering MopFam story up our sleves that will simply throw the Moppets seriously back on track and blow minds. - By the way, yesterday was the 20th of March and I am going on the 20th of July to Denmark to meet two very special friends of mine....that four months from yesterday! *colapses* Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

I know it's wrong of my to post so much on this poor old blog, but I thought since a lot of my pots are about me feeling rather weird in a bad way, I'd post that I feel weird in a good way tonight. In a strange, happy, content, I-dunno-exactly what but very this pictureish sort of way. That is all. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Moppet? Is this you? Naw, of course, everyone knows it's none other than David (aka Ross of Friends) but it is this guy I have my sights on for a possible future as MopFam's live action cast. A while back we cast a live action actor as Mr Harvey, and I am sure I'll bring you news of that soon. But for now, here's Ross off Friends as Father. Also, well, I'd like to point out for the record that Ross is my favorite Friends off Friends. - Mat B Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

*yawn* - I have soooo much to do today, and I am kinda tired. I have English, English with poems and stuff, History, Church History, and Life of Christ in School, then writing which is fun and yet daunting becuase it's more editing of Q-File, then I've got to make posters for the church for easter, make a Power Point for the church of Easter, Write some of I-men which is a secret just-for-giggles project I am working on, then, well....oooh, that will be everything. Unless I check my e-mails and find a million more tasks...Anyway, the reason I picked Mildred (from de Muppets) with a paper plane of Shakesphere is because, basicly, I hate poems... - Beau Posted by Picasa

I swear this was funny when I wrote a lot of my jokes, I guess. I finally get around to doing something with them and..."Uh...was there a point to this?" I wonder... Speaking of which, I have begun with editing Q-File once again, and am having difficulty keeping track of all the threads. Multi-tasking has gone out the window in liu of my being so stressed and tired. - Oh well, it's fun anyway... - Mat B Posted by Picasa

EDIT: I wrote that I difiantly said, "Ladies and Gentlefrogs, etc," but I meant, "I definatly did NOT say case you thought I stood up in church and said, "Penguins and stuff." - Mat B Posted by Picasa