"Miss Piggy to be perminantly retired," says Muppet Holding Company's general manigar A. Pril Fewel. "With strong protests against her new voice in internet clips, and TV shows, and with Fank Oz refuseing to return, Miss Piggy will be backshelved and the diva will never appear in public again." - Yup, it's the lamest April Fool ever but could I be bothered to think of anything better and find a picture to match? Dah! Nope, I could not - Mat B

Hehe, I think it's the perfect picture! :-P
Thanks. :p - Actually, this picture has history! There is a farm right near our house, and on that farm there used to be Pigs which smelt terrable and there were flies all around our house, and then my sister went to work on another part of the farm which is not relevent to this story but is a random fact, and then at somepoint the pigs all were shipped away...and I found that pictre randomly on their site the other day *innocent* Vengence is mine saith the fli-killa.
Mat B
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